Sahiba meets her father for the first time

Former Lollywood star Sahiba Afzal, daughter of the esteemed actor Nisho, recently encountered her biological father for the very first time.

After revealing a few weeks ago that she had never before met her biological father, 47-year-old Sahiba took to her Instagram this Wednesday to share snapshots of their inaugural meeting.

In a six-photo series showing the father and daughter together, the actress from ‘Kanpain Tang Rahi Hain’ captioned her post, ‘Met my father for the first time in my life.’

The post swiftly garnered thousands of likes from her Instagram followers, who also conveyed their heartfelt wishes to both Sahiba and her father in the comments section.

Sahiba expressed her gratitude by responding, ‘Thank you friends for your love & prayers.’ It’s significant to recall that in an interview last month, Sahiba Afzal had confessed to never having seen or met her biological father. ‘I’ve never seen or met my [biological] father; my mother had parted ways with him prior to my birth,’ she shared.

She went on to describe her step-father, whom she affectionately refuses to label as such, expressing that he bestowed upon her abundant love and care, surpassing what she could have received from a biological connection.